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Legends used in Account statement in ICICI

Legends Used in Account Statement

  1. VAT / MAT / NFS - Cash withdrawal at other bank ATM
  2. INF - Internet fund transfer in linked accounts
  3. EBA - Transaction on ICICI Direct
  4. BIL - Internet Bill payment or funds transfer to Third party
  5. VPS / IPS - Debit card transaction
  6. TOP - Mobile recharge
  7. BCTT - Banking Cash Transaction Tax
  8. UCCBRN CMS - Upcountry cheque collection
  9. LCCBRN CMS - Local cheque collection
  10. N chg - NEFT Charges
  11. MMT - Mobile Money Transfer (Insta FT - IMPS)
  12. T Chg - Travel Charges

1 comment:

Eunice said...

what does VIN mean in the ICICI statement