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Mobile lost message - What to do when mobile is stolen?

Source - Whats app
Verification - This site is not active now. So do not waste your time and energy. This was created by Chennai police, only for their state, but the Whats app message got viral and the email box got flooded. Later the site was also hacked. Presently site is not active. Even if it gets active then only people of Tamil nadu will be able to apply. More probably, other states links might not be entertained.
For more details visit below link :-

Message is as below :-

मोबाइल चोरी होने पर क्या करे?
What to do when mobile is stolen?

आजकल हम सभी के पास महंगे _मोबाइल फोन_ होते है ।अगर आपका *फोन* गुम हो जाता है तो आप उसे वापस कैसे पा सकते है ।
Nowadays we all have expensive phones. So what to do to retrieve them if they get lost or stolen?

इसी विषय पर एक *रोचक जानकारी* साझा कर रहा हूं ।
This is an interesting information that is shared here related to this topic.

प्रत्येक *मोबाइल* का *IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) no.* होता है ।
Every mobile has IMEI Number.

इसके माध्यम से आप *विश्व* में कही भी अपना *मोबाइल ट्रैक* कर सकते है ।
So you can track your mobile in any part of World.

यह कैसे काम करता है :-
How does this work?

1. अपने फोन से _*#06#_डायल करें ।
1. Dial *#06# from your phone

2. आपका फोन *15 अंको* का एक *युनिक कोड*दिखाएगा ।
2. Your phone will show 15 digited number.

3. इसे संभाल कर कहीं लिख लें, फोन मे न सेव करें ।
3. Write this number but not in your phone.

4. अगर आपका फोन गुम हो जाए तो इस नम्बर को नीचे लिखी डिटेल के साथ _**_ पर ईमेल कर दें ।
When your phone gets lost, then email this IMEI number with below details to **

*Your name*:-__________
*Address* :- ______________
*Phone model* :-__________
*Make* :-___________
*Last used no.* :-__________
*Email for *communication*:_______
*Missed date*:- __________
*IMEI no* :- __________

5. *पुलिस*मे जाने की जरूरत नही ।
5. No need to go to police.

6. आपका फोन अगले चौबीस घंटो मे *जीपीआरएस* के जरिए ट्रैक हो जाएगा ।और आपका हैंडसेट आपका नंबर बदल जाने की दशा मे भी मिल जाएगा ।
दोस्तों इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को शेयर करें ।धन्यवाद ।
6. Your mobile will be tracked by GPRS within 24 hours. And you will find your handset even if someone has replaced your Sim by other Sim. Share this information to all your friends.

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