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What is beneath the 7th underworld?

Reference - Srimadbhagvat 5.25.1 to 5.25.3

The Abyss

Photo Source - By Taro Taylor (originally posted to Flickr as The Abyss) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Beneath the Abyss 
or 7th underworld 
at a depth of 30000 yojana, 
is located, 
the permanent and Tamsi (dark) Kala of God, 
famously known as ANANT.

This Kala is also known as SANKARSHAN.

This is because it has a ego (word I) and 
it  unites or mingles the OBSERVER and the OBSERVATION
(May be something like black hole which swallows everything)

This God Anant (Endless) 
has a thousand heads.

The entire world 
(7 upper skies consisting of 21 heavens 
and 7 lower skies consisting of 21 hells 
including earth) 
is standing on only one of this 
1000 heads. 

This world diagrammatically looks 
like a mustard seed on one of this heads. 
(So big are the heads)

When the great day of doom comes 
(destruction of 7 upper skies 
consisting of 21 heavens 
and 7 lower skies 
consisting of 21 hells 
including earth ) 
and He desires to destroy the world
at that time, 
His beautiful  eyebrows 
which are rotating 
under the influence of 
grudge or anger, 
produces or manifests 
called RUDRAS
from the center of those eyebrows.

The arrangement of number of this Rudras is 11. 
(11 Destroyers manifests)

They all have 3 eyes 
and a trident 
in their hands.

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