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What is the Ardhya that is being offered to Lord Sun?

What is Ardhya ?

An offering of water (can be some Liquid or Milk or flowers also) to Lord Sun in morning. As prism or water droplets seperates 7 Colors of light, when you offer water to Lord Sun, the the morning sun rays fall on this water flow.

The shadow of this water flow is obviously falling on our physical body. As sun rays passes through this flowing water being offered by us from any vessel then the sun rays divides into 7 rays or may be 2-3 Colors and falls on our body.

This rays help cure diseases or rise of diseases. Hence worshipping God Sun is said to eradicate diseases and also poverty.

The rays fall in a straight line right from the centre of our forehead upto end point between 2 legs. That way all Chakras of body are covered by a combination of water shadow and seperated rays due to water flow or water droplets.

Daily Ardhya giver remains free from lots of diseases says Indian Vedas and beliefs.

So in a way, this activity of offering daily Ardhya to Lord Sun is doing the work of cleansing the Chakras on daily basis.

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