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What is meaning of Sansaar as per Yogis? Why is Sansaar compared with Poison? What are the characteristics of a person engaged in Sansaar?

What is meaning of Sansaar as per Yogis?

As per dictionary meaning
Sansaar means World

Lord Vishnu says
"Sansaar se kisi ka kalyan nahi"
"There is no person who can be benefitted by taking part in family life etc."

A lot of Vaishnavs are observed unmarried is a fact. See Mr. Modi, Mr. Yogi, Mr. Anna Hazare etc. Why do such precious people remain unmarried?  Is God careless for them? Obviously not. He loves them and so they are free from Sansaar.

So correct meaning for Sansaar means engagement of a free soul in marriage, children etc. Such a (Bhogi) Sansaari person believes in savings (Yogi never saves and is not worried). He (a bhogi) will invest in retirement plans etc. This are his characteristics.

Yogis believe this state is a great blunder. In every birth,  a person has different parents, different wives, different children etc. As there is no fixation in this relationships, Yogis term this as illusions. (Brahmam Satyam, Jagan Mithyam). They say there is no Truth in it. (Yogis may have soulmates but Bhogis most of the time just have lifemates, soulmates is a dream for them)

Like fools, he keeps on doing various sins , accumulating wealth for them. There is no match for the happiness which a father gets when the baby child calls him in his or her infancy and childhood. But when the same child grows up, the harsh words by him or her are very unbearable for the parents to listen.

Yogis advise to dump family life (although Iskcon preaches to live like a lotus as per Bhaktiyogi, in family life, yet untouched, unperturbed). By practicing Yoga, the Yogis say, not only you come out of Birth-cycles but you also release your 11-51 cycles of ancestors from hell and Pitar lok.

This is true interest, of yours, of your family members. This is true Kalyan or betterment of people and society.

As per Yogis, the American and European civilizations are drowned civilizations as they just provide sensual enjoyments. They have zero knowledge of Birth-cycles, life after death etc. (Apart from religious christians, i mean spiritualists like Ian Stevenson and American spiritualists)

So Yogis suggest a soul should go for salvation (mingling in zero substance losing identity or immortal identity-one of the two)

To take part in family life is a foolish act and not an Intelligent act - as per Yogis.

If we look at this perspectives of Yogis then material developments done by Modi government in India is meaningless. True interest of people lies in spiritual development, where the government is not looking, as they are themselves ignorant.

So what is spiritual development?

Spiritual development means a society where
1) Person observes fast, devotion towards deities etc.
2) Person after death attains heavens with human form
3) Person after death attains heavens with heavenly body
4) Person does not degrade into animals, birds, insects, trees, ghosts, demons etc forms (eg. Heard about Romania where people claim to see Draculla even today. Just like Sai Baba became God in afterlife, Dracula became demon in afterlife. Sai baba lived like a Yogi and Dracula lived like a Bhogi)
5) People follow Dharma
6) Activities for upliftment of dead ancestors is being done (if all, some or many are in hell or Pitarlok)
7) A society where soulmates meet. Presently due to Bhogi culture, if pairs come from heaven, they might not meet on earth. Soulmates are replaced by lifemates, forever. Where there is Dharma, soulmates meet. In absence of Dharma false relations, infedility, incestion, adulteration etc grows.
8) People in Yogi culture plan for afterlife (the awakened ones) and people in Bhogi culture plan for retirement etc (short-sighted ones or ignorant ones)

Presently modern society is following Bhogi culture and not Yogi culture. Hence as per Yogis they are not wise. They are all sleeping, not awakened and doing great self-harm due to ignorance (by wasting precious human life where they can practice Yoga and upgrade to higher species) They fall into the horrible life-death cycle of 84 lacs species and God knows when again they will get human birth. And then they will get chance to think and upgrade to higher Heavenly species or salvation.

Hence attachment towards family life is compared to sweet poison or poison. Hence Lord Vishnu imposes lots of pain and misery on devotees so they realise that Sansaar is painful and do not again desire for taking birth in human life. (Diversion of Desiderata force towards heavens)

What is soulmates and lifemates?
Lord Krishna had affairs with married Gopis as per Srimadbhagvat. But that was a soul bond, not a physical bond. So what is impact of this physical bond and soul bond. The Gopis husbands attained new identity, new wifes, new parents in afterlife. God knows where they went. But Gopis? Their identity remained unchanged. The sweetness of Lord Krishna's soul pulled them towards those eternal heavens where Lord Krishna resided.

So from worldly angle Gopis did a sin. But now who is wise. Because Gopis got eternality and were freed from birth cycles. Conclusion is that soul relationships are honoured by God in this world. And such soul relations are above sins and peities.

However, powers like Lord Vishnu still take care, that karma laws are balanced. And no one goes from this Sansaar without balancing their karmic accounts. This is because if Karmafals remain pending, the Nature today or tomorrow balances itself. So better to undergo all Karmafals in this life.

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