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3 Gates of Hell as per Gita

1) Kaam / Lust

2) Krodh / Anger

3) Lobha / Greed

All these 3 virtues are spiritual, not biological. Means, these 3 vices affects humans in biological bodies, as well as those, in their astral bodies (those humans, detached from biological bodies and still in human form, not yet carried, in other species)

What is Lust? Define spiritually

A pressure cooker releases steam. That way, accumulation of life energies in spirit and inability to use this life energies in constructive work, releases into a leakage, called Lust. When a spirit gets captured by lust, later, the biological programming starts.

Eating less, fasting, keeping mind at peace, pranayama etc are some measures, by which, Lust can be controlled. Some Christians induce pain in body, to stop the hood of lust getting arised in body. Lord Shiva prefers dancing in Tandav , as seen once,  to descend all lust energies, when God of sex shot Him, with His lust arrows.

Continuously working, till exhaustion mounts us, is also a way of Karmayoga, to combat lust. In other words, not resting and performing upto peak levels everytime and all time, is also a method, to combat lust. Eg. Narendra Modi, it is said, he works full day, excluding 4 hours of sleep.

What is Anger? Define spiritually.

See current or flow of electrons through tungsten wire. The tungsten has resisting properties. Consequence?

Heat and light is generated. Same way, when life energies, especially desire force, when obstructed, produces Anger. Obstruction to desire force is the root cause of Anger production. Hence Buddha says - Do not desire.

Not clinging to desire is one way to combat anger. Programming self for higher and higher sacrifices, is also one way to combat anger. Again eating less or fasting, helps, as mind does not feel like becoming angry, and control is easy. Mind remains at peace during fasting.

Anger clingness can arise in us, if a person's "publicity hunger" is satisfied and he or she gets recognition in anger. So instead of shunning anger, he or she feels that anger is a thing of pride and strength.

However anger has a spiritual back reaction. If we adopt anger, then as a reaction to this, wild animals like tigers and lions gets vibes of grudge for us, is a belief, as per one myth story. (When Goddess Parvati was doing penance, she felt a grudge, due to some reason. The grudge attracted  a lion and programmed him to  harm Goddess  Parvati. Later, the Creator  interfered, to handle the situation) This representation of Lion can also mean that surrounding people in our circle might get programmed to harass us. Hence clinging to anger is never a wise decision. If you remain at peace, more probably, the tendency to harass in other people,  gradually vanishes. And we remain at peace.

What is Greed? Define spiritually.

Greed is the intense attraction towards wealth. This intense attraction can cover and influence our command giving section. So the personality of a greedy person in us can supercede other personalities in us, harming our good image and reputation. Eg a boyfriend leaves a girlfriend, just because he gets some other girl, who is rich. Inability to sacrifice and getting pulled by greed can make us take wrong decisions, which we later on, feel repentful.

How they gain hell for us?

Desires or wishes are programs of Nature or Destiny. So, if anyone curses or blesses us, then that is a future program stored for us, by our destiny.

Usually anger, lust and greed - most of the times, breeds curses, grudges and ill will. This is nothing, but hell programming!

Whereas sacrificing, and not getting ourselves, in clutch of this 3 evil vices, gains praise and good will for us. Sometimes, even blessings, from depth of heart! So, these are programmings of Nature or Destiny, for your future, which can be probably Heaven or heaven type life on earth. Depends. Hence, wise have advised to keep ourselves free, from this 3 vices.

Now question is, how can ordinary people or may be a beggar or a drunkard bless or curse? Actually, we all are spirits. We all are more meaningfully, the Elements of Nature. Hence, we are part of Nature and our subconscious is linked with Nature. This is the reason, penance is recommended in Hinduism. This is recommended , so that our subconscious is affected.

Remaining hungry and thirsty, programs us for desiring sufficient food and water, which means a prosperous life. Whereas filled stomach desires for adventures. Consequently, pathetic conditions arise for those, who do not obey the commandment - "Do Not Wander."

Hence, penance is necessary for a good and happy life. More meaningfully, for deriving a mind state, where we can desire, for logical gains.

It is the subconscious mind which controls Nature or Destiny, not the conscious brain. That is why, American spiritualists puts emphasis, on Law of Attraction. It consists of programming the subconscious, by repeatedly desiring positive and good, and influencing nature or future events or Destiny. Or at least, diluting ill effects of bad destiny, by thinking positive.

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